ICE Gate registration mumbai maharashtra india
ICE GAte Registration Mumbai Maharashtra India
We provide consultancy services to get ICE gate registered and to get AD code registration for those who are exporting and importing their goods and services from overseas.
AD code registration is done by an Indian bank and that has to be uploaded on the ICEgate website for further tracking and customs purposes. Exported or imported products should be transported by SEA or AIR Or LAND ao accordingly registration has been required.
Documents required for ICE Gate registration and AD code Registration Mumbai Maharashtra
- Import Export code license number Number means IEC Code Number
- Pancard
- Aadhar card
- Digital WSicature certificate is DSC
- Bank Certificate as per requirement from Bank.
- GST registration
The registration is done on ice gate services to export or import goods or services.
Manufactuer Exporter India
Those who are Manufactuer and exporters from India and who has to export their goods and servies overseas then they must required ICEgate and ADcode registration is required.
Feel free to contact us.
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